How we helped Judi sell her home by always being patient
"Team SAYHAY sold my house relatively quickly so we had good results! I kind of had a nervous breakdown because we were moving 1,100 miles away and Judi was just very sweet and patient with me when she really didn’t have to be. Overall, I was just very happy with them!"
-Judi Weakland, Home Seller
How we helped Judy sell her home within 48 hours getting everything straightened out for closing
"Between the time we signed the contract and put it on the multi-list, it was sold within 48 hours. They had the pictures take on Monday, it was put on the website on by Tuesday, we had 2 people in Wednesday morning to look at it, and it was sold by Thursday morning. Judi was wonderful! During the process, I had gotten sick and she jumped right in and got everything straightened out for the closing, which I really appreciated!"
-Judy Berry, Home Seller
How we helped Pat sell her home by attracting the right buyers
"She had sold 3 houses for me and they all sold very quickly. In fact, the last 2 sold to the first buyers that looked at them. Judi just has a way of attracting the right buyer and it’s the combination with pricing it right that makes it sell so quickly! Houses don’t sit on the market with Judi!"
-Pat Wurster, Home Seller
How Can this Tool Help Sellers Make More Money?
There are many great Pittsburgh area homes for sale. Click here to search Homes for Sale, or if you're thinking of selling your home, click here for a FREE Home Price Evaluation
so you know what buyers will pay for your home in today's market. You
may also call me at (412) 303-3600 for a FREE home buying or selling
consultation to answer any of your real estate questions.
- Keeps homeowners aware of market conditions: Is the market slowing down? Are homes sitting on the market for a long time? Are sellers taking their homes off the market? What's the inventory like? Market Snapshot will answer all of these questions and more, so our sellers can stay ahead of the market and make the most money.
- Tells homeowners when to reduce their price: When is the right time to reduce your asking price and how much lower should you go? Market Snapshot will keep you updated with the number of showings, tell whether that number is lower than usual, and will provide buyer feedback. This will help our sellers determine what price reduction they need to take in order to sell their home quickly and for more money.
- Supplies more information to make more money: The information you'll get from Market Snapshot is invaluable, but if you want to put a value on it, we have been able to make our sellers between 8% and 12% more money than the typical seller in the same market.

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